Date of Birth: January 15th, 2005

Sex: Female

Joined: May 10th 2013

MASIE is the younger sister to Hope, she doesn’t have a long story. We found her through her older sister, who was always scrounging for food to feed the both of them. We wanted to take them in as Hope was standing high chances of getting involved with forced prostitution and contacting HIV Aids. We never managed to trace their parents and believe they were on the streets for a long period before they joined us.

Since the time we rescued Masie, her life dramatically improved along with her sister. She never stops smiling, she is a jolly young lady who doesn’t like talking about her past. When asked about it, she smiles and runs away or just smiles until you stop asking her and change the subject.

Masie enjoys school and loves the challenge her grades are good and she has lots of promise.

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