Our Blog

How we spend our sponsorship funds


Did you ever wonder how our sponsorship funds are spent? Excluding school fees, our budget is 4400€/ month and this is how we spend it! We like to show 100% transparency and will show our accounts to anyone who asks. We have a team of 3 long suffering volunteers handling the accounts in Europe and […]

A letter from Uncle Dominic


We’d just like to share these lovely photos with you as they made our day! Here is little Latif with a letter from his sponsor Dominic O’Nions. He was also really happy to see a photo of him and his family and know there are ‘real’ people to whom he writes regularly and who follow […]

Marta and Edu our fabulous volunteers

Flashback to last year when we have lovely Martha and Edu from Barcelona volunteers with us! They fell in love with the children and are coming back this August for 2 weeks to bring a loads of books they have raised money for, we are very lucky indeed.

We are planning to build volunteers accommodation in our new campus so that our visitors are well looked after and can spend as much time as they can sharing this love with the children! #dirtyfeet#messyhair #sparklingeyes 

A great Easter performance

  Happy Easter to everyone around the world from Chances for Children! Our children were very happy to enjoy a special meal of plantain banana, chicken rice and beef today! They had an busy afternoon performing at the children’s Park for the Easter celebrations!

Feasibility studies!


    This morning the feasibility studies started for our campus! This feels like the first day of a very exciting new journey as we start working with Teach a Man to Fish and Orkid studios. This morning the guys from these companies, Martin and Gabrielle had a video call to explain their goals, objectives […]

A speech by our President Gabrielle Crump

  Last night Chances for Children Monaco was the beneficiary of the Vivanova annual gala, along with the Prince Albert of Monaco Foundation and The Animal Fund. We were very proud to have 2 tables of wonderful supporters and friends with us. Here is a video of Gabrielle Crump presenting the charity and where we […]

Happy International Womens day!

This is a big shoutout to all the fabulous ladies that make this ‘family’ run every day of the year. All these girls are growing up to be fierce,fearless, determined young ladies!! Thanks to all the women that make our organization run like Mummy Jane, Amanda, Alexia, Martha, Aunts Anna and Maureen, Jemima, Sharon and Jackie. And a big shoutout to the sponsors and supporters that are giving us so much help to keep build these children’s futures. EVERY SINGLE DAY. 👭👭👭👭👭👭👭



Dance practise… so much improvement!

This evenings practice… watch to the end!! The children are improving so much… Martin has been building a cover for the children’s practice area with our local staff and the older boys!! We just need to figure out a way to drain the rain water off it now 🤔🤭… African style! #fabulous#surprise #dancing #alwaysdancing #dancingfeet […]

Another fabulous Christmas at C4C!


The children had a fabulous Christmas as Chances for Children, even though sadly their gifts from their sponsors that were sent from the Uk arrived rather late due to bad weather and customs issues! On Christmas Eve they had a great time going for a big picnic in the country with a BBQ, which they […]

A Treat for the Supermen


On this rainy cold day in Monaco… I get this pics through! Our volunteer Amber has generously paid for the kids to all have chicken today as a treat because it’s Sunday and as we are nearing the end of the month cash-flow is a bit tight! Here you can see ‘ Superman’ Allan Ibra […]

Little Moses Returns from Hospital


Great news! Our little Moses finally got out of hospital yesterday!! He’s looking really well thanks to the fantastic care he had. He’s going back to his new surrogate family today and will live 4 minutes drive from our orphanage so that he can come and play with his old friends whenever he feels strong […]

Little Moses Fights for His Life


Good morning everyone! Our little Moses who suffers from HIV was taken into the intensive care on Friday night having contracted the Maburg virus (which is like a strain of Ebola). This costs 100$/night. He has been in and out of a coma all weekend and seems to be fighting his way through as usual […]

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