Meet our Kids
Abdu Zziwa
Date of Birth: 11th April 2012 Sex: Male Joined: 23rd November 2014 Sponsored: No The local government council (Lc1) called C4C on Nov. 23, 2014 about a baby boy who was abandoned in a bar at the Namungona trading center in Kampala on Nov. 18th. According to the biological father his wife ran off with […]
Date of Birth: February 10th 2005 Sex: Female Joined: December 20th 2011 Kauthara was one of the strongest kids on the street. Each time Martin went to the slums to hand out food as part of the outreach program, she would organize the other kids to stand in a straight line and […]
Date of Birth: 16th November 2003 Sex: Female PINNA NAKKU is a very young active girl who Martin rescued straight from the slums of Kisenyi in Kampala. She was a leader in the slum community and she already had a boyfriend at her tender age. The girls in the slums tend to spend time with […]
Date of Birth: December 6th, 2003 Sex: Male Joined: October 18th, 2012 DAMULIRA was found in the slums of Kampala operating as a young member of a ferocious boy gang. Martin noticed he would not line up for food when it was distributed but wait and then steal all the younger children’s food. This was […]
Date of Birth: May 17th, 2004 Sex: Male Joined: September 12th, 2013 WASSWA is the twin brother of KATO. He’s very active boy, we found him in the Kampala slums with his brother, and they used to pickpocket and live off what they stole. When C4C took them two of them in, the police had […]
Date of Birth: September 7th, 2004 Sex: Male Joined: February 10th 2012 NAJIB is a very quiet boy and we have no history of him pre C4C days. Martin found him in the slums starving and destitute. Najib will not discuss his past with anyone and keeps himself very much to himself. He is improving […]
Date of Birth: 17th May 2004 Sex: Male Joined: 9th Feb 2014 Martin found Daniel on the streets in early 2014. He is a simple quiet boy, he loves being in a group of other kids of a similar age, we think he is around 12 years old. His past story is a mystery as […]
Date of Birth: May 17th 2004 Sex: Male Joined: 12th Sept 2013 Kato Allan has a twin brother at the orphanage called WASSWA. He’s a very active like his brother, always happy and smilling. We found him in the Kampala slums with Wasswa, they used to be pickpockets and lived off what they stole. When C4C […]
Date of Birth: June 4th 2005 Sex: Female Joined: October 20th 2015 Zainab is the older sister of SEBUGWAWO RAMATHAN, who is also part of the C4C family. Their mother died in 2015. They didn’t have anywhere to go after their mother’s burial as their father had remarried and abandoned the children, so the authorities […]
Date of Birth: 13th June, 2015 Sex: Male Joined: 10th September, 2015 Martin rescued William in the slums the day after he had helped with a Christmas party for street children. After the party in the evening when each child was meant to go back to whichever street they slept on, William came and whispered […]
Date of Birth: 30th January 2005 Sex: Male Joined: 10th/Dec / 2011 TERRY MUKISA is a humble boy that doesn’t have a very long story to tell. In 2011, Martin was paying her mother to do the children’s’ laundry at the orphanage once a week. She always came with her son and he played with […]
Date of Birth: April 22nd 2005 Sex: Female Joined 30thOctober 2012 Melissa and her younger brother Morris both live at the Orphanage after their father became very sick and then their mother left them with him, who could not provide for them. Both Melissa and her brother are now safe and sound at C4C . […]
Date of Birth: 11th October 2005 Sex: Male Joined: 22th March 2013 DANIEL KALEMBA is from western Uganda. His parents died of HIV/AIDS leaving him in the care of his grandmother. She was an alcoholic and could not give him proper care and neglected him. This was a really dangerous situation for young Daniel, and […]
Date of Birth: 10th February 2005 Sex: Female Joined: 20th August 2013 Aisha was found in Kisenyi slums, she used to clean up our serving area every Saturday so that we found it ready to use to distribute food. The local council saw how well Aisha behaved and recommended her to C4C. Aisha is believed […]
Date of Birth: April 22nd, 2006 Sex: Female Joined: December 28th, 2011 SHAKIRA is a young girl that Martin chose to rescue from the streets. Every time he went to serve food at the Kisenyi slums, her food would be stolen by the gangs of older boys and she never defended herself as she was […]
Date of Birth: 2nd August 2006 Sex : Male Joined: 20th October 2015 RAMATHAN is one of our newest children to join the orphanage, his mother died in 2015 and he has a sister who is also with C4C. They didn’t have anywhere to go after their mother’s burial as their father had remarried and […]
Date of Birth: 3rd October 2006 Sex: Male Joined: 15th February 2013 Peter’s mother was raped and had a little girl, she then went to live with an ‘aunt’ who insisted she paid her way by sleeping with a man that she knew. Peter’s mother and this man then had Peter, but eventually he grew […]
Date of Birth: July 9th, 2006 Sex: Female Joined: September28th 2012 Melisa came to us through Jane Nassuna, Martins adopted mother. Jane knew her mother who had been a widow for 6 months. They contacted Jane for help, shortly afterwards Jane applied for Melisa to be admitted to C4C. Her mother was unable to take […]
Date of Birth: January 11th, 2006 Sex: Male Joined: October 16th, 2013 Kiyega was found around the old taxi rank. He was noticed because he had a cool business brain and collected used plastic water bottles to sell to the juice shops so they could sell them on. These shops paid in juice for cash […]
Date of Birth: July 10th 2006 Sex: Male Joined: November 6th, 2012 Ian has been with us for some years now and he is an absolute pleasure to have around. His mother died when he was young and his aunt took care of him for a while. One day the aunt dumped Ian on his […]
Date of Birth: November 29th, 2006 Sex: Female Joined: 17th January 2013 HANIFAH used to walk the streets of Kampala begging for money and food. Martin found her at the slum Community Centre where the counselor told Martin that this girl is well behaved, gentle and should carry on her education that we believe she […]
Date of Birth: 13th April 2006 Sex: Female Joined: 22nd May 2013 ESTHER came to Martin in the night at around 9pm and she wanted to sell to him cooked corn in a cone (this is often sold on the streets of Kampala). Martin told her that he didn’t want to buy any, but she […]
Date of Birth: July 12th 2007 Sex: Female Joined: August 19th 2012 ZAINA’S Dad ran away from her Mom as soon as he realized she was pregnant. He did not want to deal with the burden of caring for a child. So Nakato’s mother worked at the steel rolling Mill. She could barely feed her […]
Date of Birth: December 23rd, 2006 Sex: Male Joined: May 2nd, 2012 VALENCE ZIWA’s mother passed away around October 20th 2010. His father was a drunk and didn’t look after Val or his mother. He was trying to starve Valence so he did not have to worry about feeding him. An elderly lady that lived […]
Date of Birth: December 20, 2007 Sex: Female Joined: January 19th 2012 Swabur was approximately 3 years old when she entered C4C, she comes from a very abusive home. Her father was a very big, tall man who abused Swabur’s mother and her brother. Her mother worked very hard in the gardens growing food to […]
Date of Birth: January 15th, 2007 Sex: Male Joined: October 30th, 2013 Morris came to us under the same circumstance as his sister Mellisa. Both were rejected by their mother’s new husband after their father passed away. They’re now doing well at our center. Morris has a big laugh and a big imagination. He is […]
Date of Birth: August 12th, 2007 Sex: Female Joined: December 8th, 2013 Macy Nanbalirwa father passed away leaving her and her sister Nabwami, in the care of their mother. The mother remarried a man that already had many children. The stepfather said he couldn’t care for the girls financially or physically because he had many […]
Date of Birth: 22nd April 2007 Sex: Female Joined: 28th December 2013 HAFISWA known as Shakira likes reading and writing, she wants to become a doctor, her dad was killed by unknown robbers, and her mum killed herself with a rope so Hafiswa was left alone with her step brother, who also disappeared. Mama Jane […]
Date of Birth: January 15th, 2005 Sex: Female Joined: May 10th 2013 MASIE is the younger sister to Hope, she doesn’t have a long story. We found her through her older sister, who was always scrounging for food to feed the both of them. We wanted to take them in as Hope was standing high […]
Date of Birth: September 20th, 2007 Sex: Male Joined: July 5th, 2012 Ibrah used to sit in the same place every day begging for food wearing just a pair of dirty old shorts. Martin observed him for several days whilst passing by until one day in the absence of money Martin gave him a T-Shirt […]