Date of Birth: August 19th, 2010

Sex: Male

Joined: March 30th, 2014

LATIF’s Mother had a very complicated pregnancy and died soon after Latif was born. His father was a truck driver and was unable to take care of a one-day old child so he gave little Latif to his sister.

Latif lived with his auntie for four years until she died of cancer. His father then gave him to one of his other wives to take care of. After some time the estranged wife abused Latif and starved him to near death. Fortunately, the neighbours reported her to the police and they took custody until the father came to pick him up. The father never came and changed his phone numbers so nobody knows where he is.

C4C now has Latif and he is growing into a delightful child. He is very active and loves painting and drawing. He has the most heartwarming infectious smile.

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