Date of Birth: 14th October, 2009

Sex: Male

Joined: 18th November 2014

Both of Trasol’s parents died of HIV and he was brought up by his aunt who was earning a living as a prostitute in Kampala.

This lady was very open and when she came to our office, told us that they didn’t have any surviving family and that she had AIDS and would die anytime soon. She wanted to stop selling herself to men and just couldn’t take care of Trasol anymore. She entrusted us with him and died at the beginning of 2015.

TRASOL MUGABI is a happy boy who enjoys playing football with his friends. His favorite subject is English and he wants to be a teacher when he grows up. He’s very quiet and doesn’t open up to the everyone. He isolates himself, but seems very interested in learning, he loves writing and looking through pictures in our story books.

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